Weekly Blog - 11/9 - 11/13 - Safest place in America
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Summary - The safest place in america is surely in Ohio. This is because Ohio is free from the following natural disasters: Tsunamis: Ohio's current and past earthquake average isn't enough to trigger a tsunami. Also, even the lowest leveled ground on Ohio is too high for a Tsunami to reach. Wildfires: Because of Ohio's cold weather, wildfires don't occur in Ohio. They also don't occur because in Ohio there are good amounts of rainfall which keeps vegetation wet and not dry, which prevents from the fire from spreading. Another thing is Ohio doesn't have dry, flat land for the fire to travel on. Hurricanes: Ohio doesn't have seas or oceans which a hurricane can form on. Hurricanes form on large bodies of water which are warm and have enough energy for a large amount of surface water evaporation. Tornadoes: Although Ohio is near tornado alley, the only tornadoes that occur in Ohio occur in rural or farm areas, and not near any major cities where they can cause large amounts of damage. Blizzards: Ohio doesn't have the exact conditions for blizzards. The last blizzard that occurred in Ohio was the Great blizzard of 1899, and was unexpected. Since then, and mostly before then, there have been no blizzards in Ohio, and there has not been signs of upcoming ones either. Earthquakes:Although Ohio does experience earthquakes, they don't have a large magnitude. Ohio's current earthquake average is 0.16. Also, earthquakes don't have enough force to cause damage or a large amount of damage to the city as there isn't a fault very near Ohio.
SP7 - I collaborated with my peers in searching for the best explanation on what was the safest city(first we choose the state then we narrow it down). We used our research on natural disasters to help us figure it out. Together we figured out that Ohio was the safest place to be since there are no natural disasters in the area and all near are weak/aren't deadly.
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