Wind 10/26-10/30

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Summary: Wind is caused by the rotation and changing temperatures of the Earth. Wind is cool air rushing towards the ground to replace the warm air that has just risen. Warm air expands as it rises. Cool air contracts, therefore taking up less space. Air pressure is also an ingredient to wind. It can make wind blow in different directions. A barometer is used to measure the air pressure. When there is high pressure in the atmosphere, it is sunny. When there is low pressure in the atmosphere, there are rainy days. Wind helps create weather.

SP8: Obtain, evaluate and communicate information:
This week we started on our next project. For this project, we needed to research about the different types of severe weather. One of the most important things that we had to figure out was what type of conditions the type of weather needed to be created. This will help us figure out where the type of weather is likely to occur, leading to to figuring out the safest city in the U.S.A.We will then communicate our finding with the class in some sort of advertisement. My partner, Miles R., and I have already researched hurricanes, thunderstorms, wildfires, and are currently working on tornadoes. 


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