Stars, Galaxies, and the Planets - 5/20/18

Image result for milky way galaxy pictures

Summary: Galaxies come in three different forms, spiral, elliptical, and irregular. Spiral galaxies have a distinct winding or twisting shape. The Milky Way galaxy (above) is an example of a spiral galaxy. Elliptical galaxies have more of a spherical shape and look similar to circles. Irregular galaxies look unique compared to spiral and elliptical galaxies, hence their name. Irregular galaxies appear misshapen and lack a distinguishable form because they are within the gravitational influence of other galaxies close by. During nuclear fusion, four hydrogen atoms fuse into one helium atom. This makes hydrogen the most common chemical element in stars. When the core of a star starts losing Hydrogen, the star begins to collapse. Black holes form from the collapse in the core of a supernova.

S&EP: Analyzing Data: I used tables to display and analyze data on different planets, noticing the differences and similarities between them. I noticed similarities between the terrestrial planets. I also noticed how much different the terrestrial planets are compared to the gas giants. For example, the planets closer to the Sun, have a rocky surface and are warmer than Earth. They have longer days and shorter years. They are closer to the Sun compared to Earth and have lower gravity. As well as they are smaller than Earth. However, gas planets are farther from the Sun than Earth, therefore, they have longer years and shorter days. Their gravity is stronger compared to Earth's and they're larger. Gas planets also have rings and moons while terrestrial planets don't.

XCC: Patterns: I noticed patterns this week while learning about stars, galaxies, and the planets. I noticed patterns involving the planets specifically. I noticed that since the rocky planets are closer to the Sun, they tend to be warmer than Earth. As well as since they are closer to the Sun, their years are shorter and days are longer. I noticed similar patterns with the gas giants. I noticed that since they are farther from the Sun than Earth they tend to be colder and their years take longer. As you can see, I noticed patterns within the planets of our solar system.


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