Cell Wars - Project blog - 9/18/16


Summary: The Golgi Apparatus is a very important organelle in the cell. The Golgi Apparatus is is a “packaging organelle”. It is also known as the post office for the cell.The Golgi Apparatus gathers simple molecules and combines them to create complex molecules. Then packages the complex molecules in vesicles and either stores them or sends them out of the cell. It works with the Endoplasmic Reticulum as it modifies, packages, and ships lipids and proteins synthesized by the ER. The Golgi Apparatus also works with the ribosomes as the ribosomes make the proteins and it ships the proteins to the ER and so on and so forth. The structure of the Golgi apparatus is kind of like a pancake is you think about the material. The Golgi Apparatus is made several flattened membranes sacs, but can be ultimately divided into two sections: the Cis Golgi and the Trans Golgi Network (TGN). The Cis Golgi functions as the receiving end for newly synthesized proteins from the Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER). Vesicles containing proteins from the ER merge with the Cis Golgi allowing the proteins to enter the Golgi Apparatus. As the Cis Golgi receives proteins from the ER, the proteins then begin their modification moving along membrane to membrane towards the TGN. At the other end of the Golgi Apparatus, the newly modified protein arrives at the TGN where it is then send off to different parts of the cell via a transport vesicle.

Backward: I have to admit before this project I knew nothing about the Golgi Apparatus, I didn't even know it was an organelle. I think I might of hear the name once or twice but I didn't know how important of an organelle it is.

Inward: I fell good about my piece of work on this project. I liked the project because cells are an interesting topic and while learning about them your also having a campaign it's fun. The one thing I disliked from the project is our video, not that I think its bad but, I look ridiculous in it. But that doesn't really have to do with the project itself, so the project was good.

Outward: I did my work similar to other people because of the requirements of the project, we had to do a video,poster,smear campaign, etc. But we all did it differently because, 1 the video styles are different, 2 were not all smearing about the same thing, and 3, we all have different organelles so different info on the posters.

Forward: If I had to do this over again the thing that I would change would be our plan. We didn't really have a plan throughout the project and if we did we could've made better work.


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