Ciraculatory System

Image result for circulatory system

Function: The circulatory system's function is to give oxygen to the blood, for the blood to give to the body. It does this by taking the oxygen poor blood through the lungs to give it oxygen. Then it sends the oxygen rich blood to the body.

 Organs:  The organs in the circulatory are the heart, which pumps the blood to the arteries and the veins. Then there is the arteries which carry the oxygen rich blood to the body. The veins carry the oxygen poor blood to the heart or lungs. Another organ in the circulatory system is the lungs. The lungs give the oxygen poor blood oxygen. In the heart specifically, the right ventricle,the pulmonary artery,left atrium,left ventricle,aorta,right atrium.

How it works with the others: The circulatory system works with other systems as it touches every organ and system in your body. The reason it is connected to every system and organ is so it can transport oxygen efficiently. Also the circulatory system and its fluids are super important to your digestive system that has absorbed nutrients from your food.

AnalogyImage result for cars on street clipart

I chose the street with cars and shops as my analogy of the circulatory system as you can think of the chemical compounds as cars and the circulatory system as a network of freeways, main streets, and side streets. The cars travel from one place to the other like if a compound was created in the brain and sent to the liver.

Structure and Function: The veins. Veins look pretty strange if you ask me, they kind of look like a tree branch with more tiny branches coming from that. I believe that the shape of the veins affects it's function in the way that if it's function is to carry the oxygen poor blood to the heart or lungs, then I suppose that it carry's it in a tube. Also veins kind of look like tiny tubes that run across your body, so if they are tubes that carry oxygen,etc. than that's why they look like tubes because they are.



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