Acids and Bases Pt. 2 - 5/14/17

Let's review some things, the pH scale tells us how basic or acidic something is. The pH scale ranges from 0 to 14. Acids have a pH ranging from 0 to 6.9. The lower the pH, the stronger the acid. An acid that has a pH of 6 is weak while an acid that has a pH of 1 is strong. Bases on the other hand have a pH ranging from 7.1 to 14. With bases however, the lower the pH, the weaker the base.  A base that has a pH of 8 is weak while one that has a pH of 13 is strong. So what's in between? Neutral substances have a pH of 7. The most known example would be water. Acids have a sour taste, while bases have a slippery feel. Examples would be lemon juice and soap. Acids turn a litmus paper red and bases turn litmus paper blue. A litmus paper tests a pH of a substance. A cool thing to know as well is that it is better to drink acidic things (lemon juice) rather than basic things. Most basic things can be poisonous to humans (oven cleaner).

S&EP: Arguing From Evidence:
Even though there were no experiments or debates with the class, our table had a few discussions over the week about different things. As we have been doing lately, we play the legends of learning games, this time however, we focused in on the topic of the environment to help us for the science portion of the end of the year project. When there were questions we didn't know the answer too, our table would have discussions of which answer was right and why, as well as using the process of elimination to figure it out. By using this process, my team and I were able to play the game successfully, as well as learn new things in the process.

XCC-Cause & Effect:
The Environmental Accords are 21 different policies, that would make the city or the community you live in sustainable, clean, and a better place to live. Already you can tell how this has a cause and effect relationship.  Each specific policy has a direct result. The Accords are divided into energy, waste reduction, urban design, urban nature, transportation, environmental health, and water each hoping to better the environment. For example, one of the accords states that there should be a plan to reduce usage of electricity by 10% in seven years. This helps save money, benefit the economy, and will be eco-friendly. Another policy states that creating a rule that prevents waste from entering landfills by 2040 will lead to less methane gas produced slowing down the heating of the earth. These accords helped show me that there are plans set in place to make your community environmentally friendly.

This week I was learner, this was because I made sure I knew a lot about the topic we were learning for future reference.


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