The Periodic Table of Elements 3/26/17

Summary: The atomic number is how many protons there are in the atom. There are no decimals because you cannot have a part of a proton. The element symbol is an abbreviation of the element name. The mass number is the neutrons and protons added together, while the number of protons determines the identity of the atom. Isotopes are atoms of the same element with different number of neutrons. All atoms of a particular element have the same atomic number, while isotopes of the same element have different mass numbers. The number of neutrons determines whether the atom is stable or not. An ion is made when we gain or lose electrons.When atoms gain electrons they become negative ions. These are called anions, but when atoms lose electrons they become positive ions. These are known as cations. As well as Dmitri Mendeleev created the first periodic table. He sorted it out off of similar property and atomic weight.
S&EP; Arguing From Evidence:
In class we had a discussion/note taking session about the periodic table and its origins. We watched two videos, 1 explaining the periodic table's origins and then the other about Dmitri Mendeleev. We didn't really answer/ask questions, but we did write notes. The notes we took will contribute to the success we have on the quiz that is Monday, so what we learned will help to answer questions. Dmitri's story was really interesting as he created the first periodic table and was extremely accurate to the order and future elements that would be discovered.
XCC-Structure & Function: Mendeleev organized the elements based on their atomic mass and properties. He organized them in such a way periodically it became known as the Periodic Table of Elements. As you go down the families or columns you can see how each have a new energy level, but as you move to the right or through the periods they gain protons and electrons. In other words and you move down the row, the atomic number increases by one. As well as that, the families always have the same amount of electrons in its most outer layer. Everything on the left side of the periodic table is metals. Then more to the right there is the periodic staircase which are made up of metaloids. Then to the right of the staircase there are the non-metals, which would be things like noble gases and halogens.
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