Human Body Redesign 11/12

Image result for cells of the immune systemSummary: Skin is our largest organ. It serves as a protective barrier that prevents internal tissues from exposure to trauma, ultraviolet (UV) radiation, temperature extremes, toxins, and bacteria. Skin can be easily broken. Just falling on the ground can make you start to bleed. you've probably heard people tell you to clean a cut and but a bandage on this. This is so your insides don't get bacteria inside of them, rendering you sick in some cases. Well with our re-design, we would modify the skin so that the problem of opening a wound doesn't happen. The skin could be thicker making it harder to get a cut, as well as fighting bacteria on the skin, before it enters the body.

SP1 - Asking Questions & Defining Problems:
My group and I where able to find an issue with the immune system (As that was the system we wanted to redesign) by looking at which organs have the biggest effect and the problems associated with that organ. My group chose skin as our organ of re-design because it is our largest organ and prevents the most bacteria from harming us. But skin is easily cut which makes us vulnerable to disease so we decided that it would be better if the disease couldn't even harm us if we enhanced the skin.

XCC: Structure and function:The skin is made thin so that the skin can get rid of water and make sweat to cool your body as well as being able to easily stretch. If the skin was any thicker it would have to have bigger or more pores to get rid of sweat and would have to be made differently in order to stretch. 


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