Hypertonic, Hypotonic, and Isotonic. 10/9/16

Summary: A cell that is isotonic has it's water molecule and solute molecule at the same concentration level. In an isotonic solution, water molecules move into and out of the cell at the same rate, and the cell keeps it's normal shape. As well as there not being any net movement of water across the plasma membrane. A solution which contains a higher concentration of water and a lower concentration of solutes is called a hypotonic solution. Because the concentration of water is higher outside the cell, there is a net movement of water from outside into the cell. Since the cell gains water, it swells and the internal pressure increases and eventually the cell bursts. A cell that is hypertonic has a concentration with higher solute concentration and less water concentration. Since the concentration of water is higher within the cell, there is a net movement of water from inside to outside of the cell. (water leaves the cell through osmosis) Causing the cell to shrink as it's internal pressure decreases.

SP2: I used a model to show if an egg (after being soaked in vinegar for two days) was isotonic,hypotonic, or hypertonic. For my egg it was being soaked in orange juice as the liquid to see if it was one of the three. Other groups had different liquids such as soda, gatorate, coffee, etc. For my egg after being soaked in the liquid for a day we found out that orange juice is hypertonic. We knew this as we weighed the egg before placing it in the orange juice and after. It lost weight, by two grams. So that's how we knew it was hypertonic. (Link to experiment sheet)

XCC - Stability and Change: The egg in a certain liquid could have gotten bigger (gained water), gotten smaller (lost water), or could have stayed exactly the same. The way it would get bigger, get smaller or stay the same is if the egg let the certain liquid in or not let the certain liquid in. The cell membrane has tiny holes to let things in and out (if it wants to), so that's how it would gain, lose or stay the same.

Multiplier: This week I was a wander as my team shared ( a long with me) what we noticed as to what happened to the egg and stated our thesis on what happened.


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