Charity Fair 12/14-12/20

Raising money for charity can really make you feel good. The Marine Mammal Foundation helps raise money to raise protection for endangered marine mammals. The charity saves and rescues marine mammals for many different reasons such as human activity: net and fishing line entanglements, gun shots, and more. To help raise money for this worthy charity, we sold cake pops at the charity fair. If we sell these items for $1 each, we would make $.75 per cake pop in profit. Transporting all the materials for the cake pops with the original materials creates 4317203302.5 g of CO2. If we could find a way to source our material all from California, that number would go down a bunch. I really liked the charity fair!
Backward-Looking: Have you done a similar kind of work in the past (earlier in the year or in a previous grade; in school or out of school)?
I did the charity fair last year as well as this year. There were some differences and similarities. Last year, we did all the work in math class. This year, we did a lot more work and we did it in a variety of classes. We did a lot more work on our charity and we had to figure out the carbon footprint of our product. Another difference from this year compared to last year was that we got to pick our charity completely and donate to the charity of our choice. This year we had to choice our charity from a reliable website and the entire school will donate to the same charity. These were some differences from this year's charity fair to last year's.
Inward-Looking: What was especially satisfying to you about either the process or the finished product?
Something I found very satisfying about this project was counting up all the money we made. The amount of money we made is a numerical value of how successful this project was for me and my teammates. I found that we made more money this year than last year, which I was very content with. I also found being able to sell the items very satisfying because it meant that my partners and I didn't do all that work for nothing. Everything about the charity fair night was very satisfying.
Outward-Looking: What the one thing you particularly want people to notice when they look at your work?
One thing I would like people to particularly notice about my work is that i was very specific. I got all the information need right. It took a lot of math to find out the profit for one cake pop because everything I bought made more than 1 product. I had to do a lot of measurement conversions and dividing. This means that maybe the math wasn't hard, but it was time-consuming. I would like people to notice this because it was so time-consuming and a little bit of a burden. I think that it does make the finished product look a lot better, though.
Forward-Looking: As you look at this piece, what's one thing that you would like to try to improve upon?
One thing I would like to improve on is making the trifold more eye-catching. Now there were a lot of colors used in the trifold but it still looked a bit bland. I think making the trifold even more colorful will attract more customers. It will also make it pop in any room. One thing I can do to make it more colorful is buy a poster poster board with a color instead of normal white.
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