weekly blog - 12/7 - 12/11

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Summary - This week I learned about Soil. There are two types of soil treatments - plant and trench. Trench makes the soil shape like a staircase while plant keeps it as a firm,flat surface as the plant roots hold the figure of soil together. There are also different soil types. A few types of soil are silt, sand, and a mixture of both. We used virtual explorations to learn about soil texture and type, and more. I also learned about carbon footprints. A carbon footprint is the amount of carbon and other compounds let out due to the utilization of fossil fuels. Soil has different layers called horizons. Topsoil is the top layer aka the A horizon, and is made up of decomposed materials. The next layer is the subsoil aka the B horizon, and it is made up of clay, mineral deposits, and less decomposed materials. The layer below is the C horizon. It is made up of a little unbroken rock and very little decomposed materials is in this layer.
SP5 - I used math when I tried to find the carbon footprint of all of my and my groups supplies. We had to do calculations to find the amount of products we needed to make to 1000 kg of the supply. We had wrong calculations, but we still used math for it. We also used math to calculate the distance from where ever the supply was coming from to San Jose. For some people, they had to do it by boat so they also had to find the closest port and things like that.
SP5 - I used math when I tried to find the carbon footprint of all of my and my groups supplies. We had to do calculations to find the amount of products we needed to make to 1000 kg of the supply. We had wrong calculations, but we still used math for it. We also used math to calculate the distance from where ever the supply was coming from to San Jose. For some people, they had to do it by boat so they also had to find the closest port and things like that.
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