
Showing posts from October, 2014

10/31 "Interdependence of Organisms - 2

This is an example of commensalism.The bird is eating the bugs inside the alligator.This is commensalism  becasue the bird is getting food and the alligator  is geting a cleaning in his teeth.  I have learned that symbosis is when two organsims interact.I have also learned that there is three tipes of symbosis.There is commensallsm, mutualism, and parasitism. Backward  I did not know anything about symbosis before we started.Now i know that symbosis is when organsims interact and  that there is three tipes of symbosis. Inward This week i found satisfying that i was able to get all my work done and not have anything late.

10/24 Interdependence of Organisms - 1

summary yestarday i learned that everthing gets it's energy from something.I also learned that everthing(at the end)gets it's energy from the sun. Backward-Looking Reflection i did not know anything about the topic before we started this unit.Now i know that everthing gets it's energy from something. Inward-Looking  Reflection   This week i did not do fantastic with my work but i did not do badly,so i thing this week i did bit above avarage.I hope i can be fantastic with my work next week.

nervous system

Function : The nervous system controls sight, hearing, taste, smell, and feeling (sensation). It also controls voluntary and involuntary functions, such as movement, balance, and coordination. The nervous system also regulates the actions of most other body systems, such as blood flow and blood pressure. As well as the ability to think and reason. T he nervous system allows you to be conscious and have thoughts, memories, and language. Organs : The nervous system consists of the brain, spinal cord, sensory organs, and all of the nerves that connect these organs with the rest of the body. The brain is one of the most important organs in the body. It's where information is processed and responses originate. The brain, also controls higher mental functions such as consciousness, memory, planning, and voluntary actions, also controls lower body functions such as the maintenance of respiration, heart rate, blood pressure, and digestion. The function of the spinal cord is to s

urinary system

The function of the urinary system is to get rid of liquid waste and soluble waste. The organs of the urinary system are the kidneys, which remove liquid waste from the body in a for of urine,    keep a stable balance of salts and other substances in the blood, and produce a hormone that aids the formation of red blood cells. The ureters, which carry urine from the kidneys to the bladder. As well as the bladder which stores urine and the urethra, which allows urine to travel outside of the body. Interactions : The urinary system works with the circulatory system. Blood that goes through the circulatory system also passes through at least one of your kidneys. As well as waste travels through your bloodstream and once it reaches the kidneys it's cleaned and water is returned. Analogy :  Kidneys are like the dam itself because the kidneys filter out waste from the blood just like the dam affects the quality of the water by changing the amount of oxygen and the temperature

Skeletal System

Function : The Skeletal System allows your body to move, provides structure, produces blood in the bone marrow, and protects your organs. The organs in the skeletal system are the bones, ligaments and joints, tendons, cartilage, pivot hinge, gliding joints and ball and socket joints. The function of the bones are not only to provide support and protection to the viscera (with the help of muscles attached to them) but also produces blood cells for the body from the bone-marrow. The function of the ligament and joints is to allow the bone to move in a particular direction and hence enhances the movement of body parts in desired direction. The tendons job is to join the muscles to the bones, hence they are more flexible so as to provide greater range of movement. Cartilage not only plays a role in maintaining and forming the shape of human ear and nose as well as other organs, but also protects the bones against friction forces, or else the bones would corrode easily. The pivot join

Muscular system

The function of the muscular system is to allow you to move.It also lets your bones move. The organs are the three muscle types, the Visceral muscle, the cardiac, and skeletal muscle. The smooth muscle (visceral) is found inside of organs like the stomach, intestines, and blood vessels. The cardiac muscle is found only in the heart, and it is responsible for pumping blood throughout the body. And last the skeletal muscle, it is the only muscle that is controlled consciously. Every physical action that a person performs (e.g. speaking, walking, or writing) requires skeletal muscle. Most skeletal muscles are attached to two bones across a joint, so the muscle serves to move parts of those bones closer to each other. Interactions : The muscular system works with the nervous system, that makes sense since you usually have to think before you can move. the neurons of the nervous system are connected to most of the cells in your muscular system. So when you think to move s

Digestive system

. The function of the digestive system is to break down food and separate the waste from the nutrients and then it  absorbs the nutrients so they can be delivered to the circulatory system for also gets rid of waste. T he organs are the m outh:  Were the food is chewed,  e sophagus:   Transports food from the mouth to the stomach, s tomach:  Principally the organ where food is broken into smaller units,  Small Intestine : Aids in digestion and nutrient absorption,  Liver:    Aids in the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins.  Large Intestine:   Functions primarily to absorb water, dry out indigestible foods and eliminate waste products. \ Interactment: The digestive works with the circular system so it can get the absorbed nutrients distributed through your body. The digestive system also works with the excretory system, The digestive system collects and removes undigested solids, while the excretory system filters compounds from the blood stream

respiratory system

he function of the respiratory system is to provide oxygen to the body and get rid of carbon dioxide that the body produces., The organs of the respiratory system are the nose, pharynx ,voice box, trachea,bronchi and lungs. The nose is the primary upper respiratory organ in which air enters into and exits from the body. Besides the nose, air can enter into the lungs through the mouth. The pharynx is a tubular structure, that allows air to pass from the mouth to the lungs. The Larynx also known as the voice box, has two main functions: a passageway for air to enter into the lungs, and a source of vocalization. The main function of the trachea is to provide a clear airway for air to enter and exit the lungs. The trachea also produces mucus that traps dust and other contaminants and prevents it from reaching the lungs. The bronchi allow the passage of air to the lungs. Respiration is the most important function of the lungs, which includes the transfer of oxygen into the

Ciraculatory System

Function : The circulatory system's function is to give oxygen to the blood, for the blood to give to the body. It does this by taking the oxygen poor blood through the lungs to give it oxygen. Then it sends the oxygen rich blood to the body.   Organs :  The organs in the circulatory are the heart, which pumps the blood to the arteries and the veins. Then there is the arteries which carry the oxygen rich blood to the body. The veins carry the oxygen poor blood to the heart or lungs. Another organ in the circulatory system is the lungs. The lungs give the oxygen poor blood oxygen. In the heart specifically, the right ventricle,the pulmonary artery,left atrium,left ventricle,aorta,right atrium. How it works with the others: The circulatory system works with other systems as it touches every organ and system in your body. The reason it is connected to every system and organ is so it can transport oxygen efficiently. Also the circulatory system and its fluids are super imp