Creating a New Species - 10/29/17

Summary: This project in which I am working with my team, we have the assigned task to create a species that could thrive in the planet of our choosing. There was 4 planets we could choose from, and our species lives in planet C. Planet C is a tropical environment with a flat terrain. It is covered with rain forests that are moist and hot. There are many large pools of water or lakes in the rain forests where killer poisonous plants grow around. The vegetation is comprised of an abundance of leaves, nuts, and fruits and some of the animals are carnivorous snakes, monkeys, fish, insects and birds. Our animal has the body structure of the red-eye tree frog. However, unlike red-eye tree frogs our animal has the traits of other species, such as the eyesight of an owl, the venomous bite/teeth of a king cobra, and the claws of a squirrel. Our animal does like most amphibians do and by soaking itself in the water puddles on planet C and absorbing the moisture through their skin. It is in the middle of the food chain, eating fish, algae and seaweed and getting eaten by birds and carnivorous snakes.

S&EP1 - Asking Questions and Defining Problems: Through the beginning stages of this project, specifically the creation of the animal, my team and I continued to ask questions about our new species. For example, my team and I had to discuss what traits we would give the Red-Eyed Tree Frog in order to make it unique and to give it a better chance of survival in its habitat. We are also answering questions that are required for this project's presentation such as how our animal adapts to its environment and how it can access both food and water. Our group also analyzed problems our species could encounter, such as predators, and we gave our species special abilities to avoid said predators.

XCC-Stability and Change: Adding a new species into an environment has be a very well thought out process. It may be an imaginary environment, but if this was to be simulated, it may be similar to an invasive species, we don't know. By taking into consideration all the things that could result from putting a new species into an environment, it can help our group deepen our understanding of our created species and could help create an interesting, more detailed product. 


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