
Showing posts from December, 2016

Charity Fair Project Blog

Presentation: Summary : Ever wonder about all the animals that were alive, even ten years ago. Well it may not seem like a lot has changed since then. But trust me, it has. About 10,000 species of animals go extinct every year, and who's fault is it? Ours. Most of these extinctions are our fault, from destroying they're habitat to killing them for some thing they have. An example is the west African black rhino, (Slide 3) humans killed them for their ivory and sold it. However there is a charity that can help with the issue of endangered animals. That charity is the World Wildlife Fund, or the WWF for short. The way they help america's crisis of endangered animals is by making sure that public land owners use their areas as a vital habitat for some species. They also work with ranches and farms throughout the great plains to make sustainable livestock for the animals. Now lets talk about money. WWF gives 85% of the money they receive to helping animals. So if y

Superhero Life Science 9/28 - 12/3

Summary : The mantis shrimp is one of the most fascinating animals on the earth. Mantis shrimp are only about four inches long but are one of the strongest animals in the world. With the force of a bullet shot from a 22 caliber gun. The way it does this is, o nce the arm is cocked, a ratchet locks it firmly in place. The large muscles in the upper arm then contract and build up energy. When the latch is released, all this energy is released at once and the lower arm is launched forwards.When the arm is cocked, this structure is compressed and acts like a spring, storing up even more energy. When the latch is released, the spring expands and provides extra push for the club, helping to accelerate it at up to 10,000 times the force of gravity. The way my character uses this is throughout the time he is not punching the energy he is using for the day is stored. So when he does punch all the energy stored is released. He can continuously punch however. It is not just one pu