Dirt and Soil Project Blog


Erosion is water,wind or ice. pushes,hits against or breaks apart rocks,hillsides,etc.  Dunwich was having an erosion problem. Dunwich was getting hit constantly by the waves. There is no sea defense so no one could stop it. They tried solving it by putting up beaches to absorb the wave attack. They did the simplest thing because they thought Dunwich was already lost and unsalvageable so they did not find reason to spend millions on the solution.

Before we started this project I did not know much about Dirt and soil. I thought that dirt was just something that's there so we can put plants in. I hadn't realized that without it there would be so much wrong with the world. Without it crops would die leaving there no food or cattle/animals to eat. If they didn't eat we couldn't eat and it would be worldwide caos.

During this project there are many things that went right, but also things that found our group frustrated and just out of sink. I was found frustrated more than a couple times where our group would get distracted by the smallest things resulting in us not working/being on task. This would frustrate me but we managed to have that not happen again.

Our work made the standards for this assignment in someways, but in someways it didn't. It made the standards for it being and IGNITE presentation. It didn't have many words,one picture,and each slide was fifteen seconds. Our work also made the standards for research such as what happened to it, how did it happen and how did they fix it. Our work did not meet standards for research such as the research of what's around it, what was there before erosion, things like. That I think that we should have thought more of including that because we didn't fell the need to when we should have.

If I was able to do this over again what I would work on is during the presentation making sure my head is up throughout most of the presentation so it doesn't look like I don't know things and have to look and my notes the hold time. I would also add more information regarding what was there before the erosion and what was going on in that place.


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