Volcano Project 10/18-10/25



For this unit of volcanoes,plate tectonics,etc. we ended with a project this project involved us making a ignite presentation on a volcano/mountain of our choosing. Not only did we have to make/present an ignite presentation but we had to build a model of the mountain/volcano of our choosing. For my choice I did mt. Shasta. (the picture is a picture of mt. Shasta).

To produce this piece of work I needed a bit of things. For the ignite presentation obliviously I needed to do internet research. For the model on the other hand it needed a bit more work than using just the internet. First what we did is we took a miniature plastic cup and placed it in the middle. Then we added some sort of paper to make it a cone shape. After that we covered it in wet newspaper. As soon as it dried we covered it in clay and the painted over it.

Throughout this project I had my fair share of frustrating moments. I shall start of by saying that next time we do a project I will pick partners that work better with me (not to be me just the truth). I had a bit of a hard time making sure my group stayed on task. It was hard in fact I did not succeed. (We had to go over to each others house quite a few times). Also they were waiting for me to tell them something not setting their minds to do something then doing it.

Everyone made their model in their own way. Someone may say we worked similar because we all had to make a model but all of them were different in their own way. Even though we all had the same requirement everyone work on their project their way. Each group made their presentation the way they like it and made their model based of a picture they liked.
If I had a chance to do this project all over again I would change one thing. Not that I didn't like my group (after all I chose it) but I should have made a better choice. Instead of choosing my friends I should have chosen the people I work better with and can keep me focused and on task.


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