Scientific Method Cartoon 09/07-09/11


My assignment for this week (and part of last week) was to create a cartoon on the scientific method. We had to draw our own little people or characters using the scientific method to figure out their problem. For this assignment I decided that my characters question was going to be what dissolves faster in water M & Ms or Skittles. After my characters experiment he found out that skittles dissolved faster in room temperature water.


This week while I was doing my scientific method cartoon I had a few struggles. While drawing I was very stressed out because I wanted to maker it look the best it could be and I couldn't get work done because every time I did something I thought it could be better so I erased it and got nothing done. I fixed it by calming down and saying to my self I shouldn't care what other people thing as long I think I'm doing a good job.


Something that I found out about myself during this project is that I get very worked up or stressed out by little things like when I draw that I think I have to even all the little,little details right but I found out that's not true. I found out that even the little things around your character aren't perfect it's not the end of the world. I also found out that as long as you think what you did is good you shouldn't care about what other people think. The last thing I found out was that if you think your doing a bad job just ask your true friends to tell you what they think, I gone through this process before and if they also tell you it's bad just use that as motivation to make it better.

In some ways I did my work like other people in my class. We all had to make our scientific method cartoon, come up with a problem for our characters, and have our toons solve it. In some other ways we did it differently such as every one had their own problem or at the most maybe there was a coincidence that two people did the same thing but most people had different problems.
One thing I would like to improve on when I ever will have to draw something like what we did here with our scientific method cartoon is to add better backgrounds to make it seem like this person is actually on earth on in the middle of a white blank spot.


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