minerals 3/06

This week we had an assignment where we had to chose a mineral and we had to learn about it and find the description,physical features,what varieties exist,where is it abundantly found,how it's formed,if it's mined or not, and unique features.

This week I was surprised when I was doing research on my mineral ( graphite) and I found out that graphite is related to diamond (same chemical formula) but they are they couldn't be more alike.
Example: diamond is the hardest of minerals, graphite one of the softest; diamond is transparent, graphite opaque; and diamond is almost twice as dense as graphite. 

I knew things about other minerals before we started, like I knew that diamond was the hardest mineral and I knew that quartz is the second most abundant mineral on earths crust.
One thing I learned, however, is that uses for graphite include refractories, batteries
 steel making and brake linings.

I felt good about my work this week because I was able to finish m jilster two days before it was due.This might mean it's not my best work but the reason I finished early is because I finished at home and did most of my work at home.


I did not do my work like other people, I did it differently than my peers because I must have been the only person who didn't keep notes. When I found the information I needed I immediately put on my jilster page.

One thing I would like to improve on is the way I find information. I want to be a person that finds the best websites with the best information. Not just go to the first website I see. 


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