
Showing posts from March, 2015

circuits in series and in parallel 03/27

Surprise This week when we where doing the worksheet in class I was surprised when I found out that in a series circuit electricity just flows from one light bulb in the picture.( I was the only one surprised by this because I was not here the day before). I was surprised by this because it's strange how the electricity is able to go from one light to the other to light up both bulbs. One thing this tells me is that electricity is a very interesting topic and I'm excited to learn more about it

Blog 03/20 - Build the Best Electromagnet

I would make  “the most powerful electromagnet” with a copper magnet. I would not just use  a plain copper magnet though I would have to have the electromagnet at 100 volts, it would have to also be 100 winds. It would have to have a DC current and the wire would have to be thick. The reason I want the magnet to be these exact things is because in this website we used if you do all those things the electromagnet will pick up all 500 iron filings.

magnetism 3/19

Summary This week I learned somethings about magnetism.I learned that pretty much nothing can break the magnetic field.EXAMPLE: we could make the paperclip drop by putting something in between the paperclip and the magnet. Surprise This week I was surprised when I saw how the we made our own magnets ought of the materials we could use in our everyday lives.I was surprised by this because I did not think that we could make very good working magnets with everyday materials.( I thought we would have needed really weird and complex things). Backward I did not know much or not one bit about magnetism, but know I know how to make your own magnet, I know a little about the earths magnetic field now, and I know about the magnetic field. Inward This week I feel good about what I put down on my answer sheet and the papers I did. I feel good about my answers because I think I really understood what Mrs. Garcia was teaching me and what I put I really truly felt sure. Outward My work thi

minerals 3/06

Summary This week we had an assignment where we had to chose a mineral and we had to learn about it and find the d escription,p hysical features ,w hat varieties exist,w here is it abundantly found,how it's formed,if it's mined or not, and unique features. Surprise  This week I was surprised when I was doing  research  on my mineral ( graphite) and I found out that graphite is related to diamond ( same chemical formula) but they are they couldn't be more alike. Example: diamond is the hardest of minerals, graphite one of the softest; diamond is transparent, graphite opaque; and diamond is almost twice as dense as graphite.   Backward I knew things about other minerals before we started, like I knew that diamond was the hardest mineral and I knew that quartz is the second most abundant mineral on earths crust. One thing I learned, however, is that uses for graphite include refractories, batteries  steel making and brake linings . Inward I felt good about my