Atoms 2/06
This week while I was doing the boxes reasearch questions I had fiquered out the answer to that question it was sodium chloride but when I typed that password in it said I was wrong so then when Ms. Garcia and Miles R. told me that sodium chloride was another name for salt,I was very surprised becuase I did not know that but now I do.
Before we did this topic in science class I did not know very much about atoms or molecules or mixtures the only thing I knew before was that atoms where made of neutron,proptons and electrons.
Now I know that molecules are when two elements bond together and mixtures are elements that are not chemically joined.
This week I feel good about my work because I was able to finish the boxes reasearch paper and the compounds and mixtures reasearch paper with no pressure and I was able to do them well.
This week I did not do any work like other people becuase when we where doing the reasearch paper we have to do it by our selves.I did how ever have the same answers as many people becuase we all were answering the same document.
One thing I would like to improve on is always being able to do what I did this, week finish my assignments with ease
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