
Showing posts from December, 2014

Severe Weather Project Reflection

                   During this project I  learned that tornadoes are one of the strongest natural disasters and they can cause lots of damage.I learned that snowstorms are worse than what they seem because they can knock out power  and very important things.  Backward I knew that tornadoes were very dangerous but I did not know that tornadoes had winds that could go up to 300 MPH.I did not know much about winter  storms but now I know that they are very powerful and can knock out many important things and that they are very dangerous. Inward  I think during our project we did a good job of planning it and editing it.We had some struggles but in the end we worked it out and did a good job. Outward  There was only one other group that did the tipe of project we did so we did not do it similar  to them because they made there film all one shoot while we did it in many shoots and put it all together. Forward One thing i would have liked to add was some more effect

12/12 tornadoes

When I was studying tornadoes this week I learned that tornadoes commonly happen the most in T exas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska, South Dakota, North Dakota, Iowa, Missouri, Arkansas and Louisiana. Backward i did not know much about tornadoes before i studied them but now i know that they need moist air that comes from the gulf of Mexico and cool dry air that comes from Canada .  Inward   This week I think Abram,Raul and I are making good progress because we have already all our  facts and we are almost ready to do the video.  

12/5 atmosphere

I learned that weather only occurs in the troposphere.There is 4 layers of the atmosphere.The theremosphere is divided in to two layers the i onosphere and the exosphere.I also learned what all the layers do Trposphere: weather only occurs in that layer.Stratosphere: the layer that protects earth from harmful rays . Messosphere: where metiors burn up.Theremosphere: where space shuttles fly. Backward I did not know much about the atmosphere until now.Know i know that the Messosphere is where metiors burn up. Inward This week i am satisfied with what i did because in my opinion i got what i wanted done and I almost the entire time i  was on task and doing my work.