Charity Fair Project Blog - 12/21/17

Our Charity  Fair Tri-Fold 

Summary: Human trafficking is one of the biggest problems that it is not publicly talked about. Human trafficking is modern day slavery, and yet we don't inform the public about it. Our charity, World of Children, has honorees that work to rescue and rehabilitate victims of child trafficking so that they are safe, supported, and have the opportunity to rebuild. Ever charity fair is unique, and there are new experiences to be learned every year. This year, the selection of the charity was even more important than in previous years. Therefore, we had to spend more time and we realized that not all charities post tax and revenue information. We also used our strengths to improve things such as our instructable and out product. We had to be flexible, so when had to change our unit of measurement, or we had to use unique tools in replacement for other things. All for all, charity fair is a different experience every year, but this was the best year yet.

Backward - In what ways have you gotten better at this kind of work?
Over the course of four years of charity fair, you learn many things to be successful.

Inward - How do you feel about this piece of work? What parts of it do you particularly like? Dislike? Why? What did/do you enjoy about this piece or work?

Outward - What do your classmates particularly notice about your piece when they look at it?

Forward - What would you change if you had a chance to do this piece over again?


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