
Showing posts from November, 2017

Fluxx Mod Project Blog - 11/19/17

Picture of Victor Nguyen's FLUXX cards in play. Summary: Fluxx is a very interesting, unique game. It is different from most other card games, in that the rules and the conditions for winning are altered throughout the game, via cards played by the players. Fluxx has a basic set of cards. There are new rules, goals, keepers, actions, and creepers. A game deck consists of 84 to 100 cards with four different card subtypes printed on them, New Rules, Keepers, Goals, and Actions. Starting with a simple Basic Rule of 'Draw 1 card / Play 1 card', players will draw then play a card to and from their hand. New Rule cards will change the rules mid-game, oftentimes changing the number of cards you draw, the number you play, the number of cards in your hand and so forth. Goals are cards that lay out the victory conditions for the game, consisting of two or more Keeper cards that must be in front of the player on the table while that Goal is active. The Keeper cards are various

Evolution Mastery Quest 2 Regrade - 11/13/1 7

Question : Which of the following questions can be answered by studying these fossil layers? Wrong Answer: What are the common ancestors of fish? Correct Answer: Which organisms lived before/after/or at the same time? Why the correct answer is correct: The reasoning as to why "Which organisms lived before/after/or at the same time?' is the correct answer is because you can use relative dating to see which organisms are younger or older compared to one another.

DIY Fluxx Cards - 11/12/17

Summary : Fluxx is a very interesting, unique game. It is different from most other card games, in that the rules and the conditions for winning are altered throughout the game, via cards played by the players. Fluxx has a basic set of cards. There are new rules, goals, keepers, actions, and creepers. A game deck consists of 84 to 100 cards with four different card subtypes printed on them, New Rules, Keepers, Goals, and Actions. Starting with a simple Basic Rule of 'Draw 1 card / Play 1 card', players will draw then play a card to and from their hand. New Rule cards will change the rules mid-game, oftentimes changing the number of cards you draw, the number you play, the number of cards in your hand and so forth. Goals are cards that lay out the victory conditions for the game, consisting of two or more Keeper cards that must be in front of the player on the table while that Goal is active. The Keeper cards are various people and items that go along with the game's the

The Designer Species Project - Project Blog 11/5/17

Summary: The Fobra is a new species of frog with the body of a red-eyed tree frog, the eyes of an owl, the fangs of a king cobra, and the claws of a squirrel. Since the fobra lives in planet C, a tropical planet with much rainforest and vegetation, our frog can "nest" itself in the plants to stay warm. To stay cool the fobra can soak itself in puddles and absorb the moisture. The fobra is also a warm-blooded animal. The fobra uses both its tongue and teeth to eat, depending on the size of animal it is eating. With the claws similar to squirrels, the fobra will be able to get away and climb up on trees faster, making predators unable to get it. As well having the bite similar to the king cobra, our species will bite predators when it feels threatened or scared by predators that are after them. The fobra will be able to strike extremely quickly, like a cobra, in self-defense. Red-eyed tree frogs will lay clutches of eggs on the underside of leaves that are standing abo