Exothermic and Endothermic 4/30/17

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The Law of Conservation and Mass states that atoms cannot be created or destroyed. They can only be rearranged. Atoms are the building blocks for everything in the world. Compounds are two or more atoms that combine to make something new. A chemical reaction is when atoms come together or break apart to form new things. Extra atoms after a chemical reaction become waste to be used in another reaction. This is why we try to have as few atoms leftover as possible. Atom economy is the attempt to have as few atoms leftover from a reaction as possible. An experiment of burning sulfur proved the first theory of the The Law of Conservation and Mass. During this experiment the burned sulfur weighed less than it did before, but the air around it weighed more. Meaning that weight was transferred.

S&EP-Conducting Investigations:
You can tell that a chemical reaction occurred if gas was created, a change in temperature, and a change in color. There are times when a reaction occurs, but you cannot tell because the reaction is going at such a slow pace. This is why scientists use catalysts, because they don't have the time to wait for the reaction to happen. So they speed it up. A catalyst is an add on to a chemical reaction. It can modify how slow or fast the reaction can happen. In the product the catalyst is no where to be found, why is that, it's because it doesn't change the product, it just adds on to speed up the reaction. This week in class we conducted an experiment to see an example of a catalyst in action and what it can do. In this experiment we combined copper 11 sulfate along with water and aluminum foil. When mixing you see no obvious reaction. After that, we added in salt. It began to bubble and changed in color. There was a temperature change as well.

XCC-Cause and Effect:
An exothermic is when the temperature increases because of how energy was released. In a exothermic reaction the reactants have more energy than the products, so the change in energy is negative. The extra energy is given off in the form of heat into the surroundings, so the temperature is higher. Making new bonds gives out energy which means that it is an exothermic reaction. As for a endothermic the temperature dropped indicating that energy was absorbed. In an endothermic reaction the reactants have less energy than the products, so the change in energy is positive. Energy is needed by the reaction, so the surroundings get colder. Breaking bonds require energy so it is an endothermic reaction. Exothermic and endothermic reactions are forms of a cause and effect relationship.

This week I was a mutant, to be more specific a learner, because when other students asked question to Dr. 
Popplebot's , I learned what goes into making a successful video game.


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