GMO 2/5/17

Image result for gmo

 A GMO (genetically modified organism) is the result of a laboratory process where genes from the DNA of one species are extracted and artificially forced into the genes of an unrelated plant or animal. Since this involves the transfer of genes, GMOs are also known as “transgenic” organisms. Looking back to a previous blog (My superhero project) I briefly talked about a superhero based on the mantis shrimp. Well, some of you may have been wondering, how did this hero get these ability's? Well through the process of GMOs.  the technique involves an enzyme complex known as CRISPR/Cas9, found in many bacteria. CRISPR , is a short, repeated sequence of RNA that matches the genetic sequence the researcher wants to modify. It works in concert with Cas9, an enzyme that cuts DNA like a pair of molecular scissors. First, the CRISPR/Cas9 complex searches through the cell's DNA until it finds and binds to a sequence that matches the CRISPR. Then, the Cas9 cuts the DNA. Lastly, the cell repairs the cut, in this case by inserting a piece of DNA supplied by the experimenter. This DNA that was inserted however was the DNA of a mantis shrimp, so because of that genetic modification, my hero had the same extraordinary abilities as the mantis shrimp.

S&EP-Models:Going back and finishing up my superhero work that I hadn't earlier I ended up spending some time on my automata. We had many options on how we wanted our automatas to move. As for me I wanted my superhero to move up and down. You crank it from the side and as the cam moves up, so does the shaft.You attach a piece of cardboard to the tip of the shaft and glue a picture of your superhero onto it. This way your superhero is moving. The cardboard box was the frame. The crank the piece you moved to move your superhero. The cam is the piece in the middle that drove movement, while the cam follower was bigger, on top and helped. The shaft is the skewer or stick. In addition to the basic model we had to make I added some background action to make it seem more realistic. Creating the automata was an interesting experience as we learned and used our engineering skills.

XCC-Structure and Function:
 While looking at all the work I had completed for the superhero life science project I could see how the structure and function of my superhero and villain gave them the powers they had. For instance, my superhero had the same cells as the mantis shrimp. This includes hydroxyapatite crystals that are in the heroes fist that allow him to strike at the same fore as a bullet without destroying his hands. As well as his origins story talks about how he got his powers from a GMO, or insertion of the mantis shrimps DNA into his. On the other hand the villain systems had a normal mode like ours, but in the nefarious mode there were major differences giving him powers. The muscular system starts replacing damaged muscle fibers rabidly giving him stronger, more powerful muscles. Also his nervous system gains more nerves which enhances his senses. As well as that, his eyes change color. The iris muscle compressing and the pupil becoming larger.  Last but not least, the skin changes. What happens is that my villain can transform his body tissue into an organic, steel-like substance when in nefarious mode. The structure and function of the superhero and villain helped shape their powers and themselves.


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