
Showing posts from January, 2016

Rivers 1/11-1/17

Summary : Rivers are very important natural resources. They help ecosystems flourish.   The water in rivers is pulled to the lowest point by gravity. Rivers have a lot of different parts.  The mouth, the  channel, the  tributary,  confluence, and meander are just to name a few. Rivers are also able to carry heavy things for humans. Rivers can erode and deposit sediment. Without rivers, life today as we know it would not be the same. SP2: Developing and using models: I worked on multiple diagrams of rivers when I was learning the vocabulary of rivers. I was able to label the different parts of a river. (mouth,channel,tributary,etc.) This helped me understand where all the different parts were and what they do for the river. I can now understand how the river works, why it works and what it does for the ecosystem. All the parts of the river and its surroundings are very important when you are learning about rivers. Using diagrams really helps you learn the complex vocabu

Dirt and Soil Project Blog

Summary:   Erosion is water,wind or ice. pushes,hits against or breaks apart rocks,hillsides,etc.  Dunwich was having an erosion problem. Dunwich was getting hit constantly by the waves. There is no sea defense so no one could stop it. They tried solving it by putting up beaches to absorb the wave attack. They did the simplest thing because they thought Dunwich was already lost and unsalvageable so they did not find reason to spend millions on the solution. Backward-Looking: Before we started this project I did not know much about Dirt and soil. I thought that dirt was just something that's there so we can put plants in. I hadn't realized that without it there would be so much wrong with the world. Without it crops would die leaving there no food or cattle/animals to eat. If they didn't eat we couldn't eat and it would be worldwide caos. Inward-Looking:  During this project there are many things that went right, but also things that found our