
Showing posts from November, 2014

reflective blog for the Mr. Cuttatree project

summary This week we discussed " Deforestation". Deforestation is a shortened word for cutting down trees.Deforestation is a process of cutting down trees. It is not good for the environment. Many things can happen because of deforestation such as loss of oxygen, greenhouse gasses expanding and animal extiction. backward I have not learned anything about deforestation untill this unit.Now I know that deforestation is not good for us or the enviroment. inward In this project I think i did a good job because in my opinion I was on task and getting my work done. The only thing i disliked was that I know i could have and should have done better. outward I think I did simallar work like others because Evan,Abram and I worked a little together so we might have simallar work. forward One thing I would like to improve on is being able to write blogs like this or big blogs like the Mr. Cuttatree blog with effencentcy daily.

11/14 deforestation

I have learned that deforestation is the removal of a forest or a stand of trees. I have also learned that deforestation should not happen because if it does this is something that might happen.    It increases the speed of erosion in deforested areas, as there are no tree roots to hold the soil together.   backward I really did not know much about deforestation, but know i know that deforestation is not a good thing. Lots of bad things can happen such as oxygen lossege, greenhouse gasses expanded,soil erosion,etc. inward  This week i thnk that i did good, I am happy that this week  I was able to finish my letter to Mr/ Cuttatree.

letter to Mr. Cuttatree

Dear Mr. Cuttatree I heard that you are thinking about cutting lots of trees in the rainforest and building the uppity resort.I know you should not because by cutting all these trees we will have a massive loss of oxygen,green house gasses will expand and there will be a massive animal extinction.  My first reason you should not build your resort is by cutting down the trees there will be a massive loss of oxygen. This will happen because the leaves make photosynthesis which produces glucose and it "feeds" the mitochondria which produces oxygen.If you cut the trees down there will be a massive loss in oxygen.  My second reason you should not build your resort is by cutting down the trees there will be a massive expand in green house gasses.This will happen because when they grow the trees remove carbon dioxide and replace it with oxygen which also prevents climate change.So if you cut down the trees there will be a massive expand in green house gasses.  My third reas

11/7 american crocodile

I have learned thatt the female american  crocodile    will build a nest of loose dirt in a mound by the water's edge and lay 35 to 50 eggs.I have also learned that a dults feed mostly at night on fish, crabs, turtles, snakes, and small mammals. backward I almost did not know anything about the american crocodile but now i know that the american crocodile is an endangered speices.They are endangered because they are hunted by people and sold for their skins. inward in this project i think i did a good job but, i think i myself should have added the part about them being endangered and sold for their skins.