
Showing posts from January, 2017

Human Body Systems Normal VS Nefarious 1/29/17

Summary : The nervous system controls thinking, moving, hearing and more. It uses information from yourself and the world around you to command your body and tell it what to do. This system is made up of the brain, spinal cord, and nerves. The nervous system can perform functions without you having to think such as your heart beating. The circulatory system is powered by the heart and covers your entire body. Blood vessels carry blood to the heart and veins carry blood away from the heart. The circulatory system transports food and oxygen throughout your body. In addition, it gets rid of waste through the blood. The muscular system is in charge of controlling walking, talking, sitting, standing, eating and other daily functions that people consciously perform. This is done by muscle fibers that work together. The respiratory system takes in oxygen and releases carbon dioxide. In this system the lungs are the main organ, but there are others that act as passageways for the oxygen to

Muations 1/15

Summary: A mutation is a change in genetic material, nucleic acids to be exact. Both internal and external factors can cause mutations. An example of and external factor would be smoking, or exposure to UV rays. An internal factor would be a mess while DNA was replicating. Mutations are completely random. The result can be helpful, harmful, or neutral. Gene mutations can be cause by insertion, substitution, or deletion. Substitution is when there is a wrong base match. Insertion is when a base is added. Deletion is when a base is deleted. Insertion and deletion are much more dangerous that a substitution. Chromosome mutations include duplication, deletion, inversion, and translocation. Duplication is when there are extra copies of chromosomes. Deletion is when a piece of chromosome breaks off. Inversion is when a chromosome is reversed or flipped. Translocation is when a piece of chromosome breaks off and attaches to another chromosome. S&EP-Using Models: After comp

Genetics 1/3 - 1/8

                                Summary : You may not realize it, but the choices you, or your spouse make during pregnancy can a massive effect on your child. For instance, if you chose to smoke while pregnant the child can and most likely will be born with some issues. Your baby may be born to small or born prematurely. Smoking can damage your baby's developing lungs and brain as well. Even stress, sleep, and your diet can depict whether your child is healthy or not. SP2 - Developing & Using Models: The Punnett square is a diagram that is used to predict an outcome of how a pairs offspring will look.  Every person has two alleles, and as they have a kid they pass down one of their two alleles. Depending whether or not you inherit two dominant, two recessive, or one of both, you will have a noticeable phenotype resembling one of your parents. For example if your mom is homozygous for her green eyes, and your dad is heterozygous for his brown eyes, there is a chan