
Showing posts from August, 2016

Cell Wars Pt.1 8/28

Image Summary :  The cell is the basic unit in life. All living things are composed of cells.  The way you know things are alive are if they reproduce, grow, need nourishment and the respire. Most organisms are made of multiple cells, but there are single celled organisms such as bacteria.  Cells are made up of pre-existing  cells which is how you know they reproduce.  The cell is made up of many parts called organelles which helps the cell function properly.  There are many organelles, such as lysosomes, peroxisome, cell membrane, mitochondria, vacuole, ribosome, and Golgi body and more. S&EP 6: I explained how atoms and cells are different in a worksheet in class. I explained how cells are the 'building block' for life while atoms are the 'building block' for everything. I used evidence that I learned in fifth grade to answer my questions. I also had to decipher which one out of a group of things was the odd one out and why. XCC: Systems