
Showing posts from May, 2016

Food Waste

Image Summary : This week we did activities on food waste. We also learned about the process that apples and another food of our choice go through to get to consumers. Some of the levels in a food path are farmers or farms, supermarkets, or consumers.    Food gets wasted on every level of the food system. Farms are the beginning of this big waste. Almost every type of farm is able to waste.  While growing on trees, apples can be wasted due to other animals and insects only eating half or a small portion of the fruit and throwing the rest away (though it composts). Another way is for good apples to fall or the tree to fall, wasting the apples.     Once the apples ready, they are harvested. During harvestation, apples can be wasted due to their looks and size. Many perfectly good apples are thrown away due to these reasons. You can help this problem in a few different ways. One simple way is to cook with foods that are in-season. Being in-season, in food terms, me

Project Blog Biome Project - Grasslands

http://grasslands2026, Summary Grasslands are large landmasses that are full of grass but surprisingly no trees. This is like a paradise for cattle rearing and in places with cattle rearing being one of subsistence activities; grasslands are no less than perfect. The reason of no trees lies in the fact that temperate grasslands receive lesser rainfall and are drier.  Location: The major temperate grasslands include:The velds of Africa,The pampas of South America,The steppes of Eurasia, and The plains of North America.Grasslands are considered the transitional biome. This means that they are usually found between deserts and forests. Climate :   Temperate grasslands have hot summers and cold winters. Summer temperatures can be well over 100 degrees Fahrenheit, while winter temperatures can be as low as -40 degrees Fahrenheit. They typically have between 10 and 35 inches of precipitation (rain) a year, much of it occurring in the late spring and