
Showing posts from September, 2014

9/26 organelle trail

This week I learned that the nucleus is like the leader because  it controls cell activities.I also learned that mitocronrdria  uses sugar to produce energy and power the plant. I have done some work like this in the past, in third grade we did some research on cells.We learned about plant cells like chroplast and cell walls.We also saw many diagrams of plants and were the different cells where located.

9/19 the cell

I learned that all living things are made of composed cells.I also learned that all cells come from other cells. I did not know much about the topic before but now I know more things such as cells are the basic units of  of any living thing


i learned that science is exiting i am confident about the scientific method i wish you would let us play zondle in our free time

letter to the school broad

Dear Board of Education, Science class should continue.This is so because we learn lots of  important information .We use science every day.Also many kids love science. One of the many reasons that science class should continue are science develops numeracy. this can help us in many subjects and our everyday also helps us learn how to collect data. Another reason we should keep science is that science is is inclusive because it helps us in our every day also develops self makes everybody feel the same way. Thirdly,science crosses into many other subjects.some of the subjects it crosses into are math and geography in science we use lots of numbers like math.we also use location like in geography. I know that you thing that everything can be found on the internet but i disagree i know that not everything can be found on the internet. These are some reasons that science class should continue.


some things that i like about this class are that we will have lots of fun projecs,we use computers,and we do lots of experaments.